Three Months Living in LA: Goal Mindset Top 3 Do's and Don'ts

Living the LA lifestyle has never felt so good coming up on month three. So far, I've been able to conquer LA traffic and branch out of my comfort zone. Utilizing my experience as someone from the midwest has worked in my favor. I finally found my spots, from the nail bar to my favorite lunch bunch spots. I've also started feeling more comfortable since moving across the country. I don't feel like a fish out of water anymore. It's more of a calm state of mind to live life without a filter or a mask (metaphorically and physically).

Before I moved to LA, navigating my career path was challenging, and I felt stuck in my old state of being. The constant ring of regret and worry kept getting in the way of being appreciative while working towards my goals. It's good too, of course, to acknowledge your feelings towards a setback, but having that feeling for extended periods will only hold you back. So, the question remains. How to get out of a funk when you're not feeling the vibes lately?

It wasn't until I started to organize my goals and mindset that I impacted my surroundings and aura. All of the good things take time, and with consistency and determination, they can come to fruition. As much as I wish it were as easy as clicking a button, it's more of a practice of learning and growing. 

Do's of Goal Mindset

Some vision board inspo if you’re stuck. I created this at the end of 2021 and it helped me keep a positive momentum.

  1. Do Create a Gameplan.

It's easiest to get lost and overwhelmed when life throws a curveball. Coming from an Asian American household, I've always learned to create a plan from A to Z. Creating that equilibrium will bring ideas that inspire new ventures. One way to clarify your wants and needs is by putting pen to paper. Writing down those goals with mini steps can help coordinate the logistics of completing the plan(s). Written goals raise the chances of achievement by 42%. I also enjoy creating a vision board along with the list. You'll see consistently will motivate and uplift you while you work on getting there. 

  1. Do Take Inventory of Everything and Everyone Around You.

Things that impact your well-being mentally and physically take a toll on who you are. It wasn't until around the end of 2021 I took a hard look in the mirror and wanted to change for myself. So I started by surrounding myself with motivated, fun, and uplifting people. Once I began to raise my standards, it translated into my goals and stepping stones. One of my favorite podcasts, Manifest Daily, has content that truly can lift your spirits and can be a great tool.

  1. Do What's Best For You.

Most of you have heard the term agree to disagree. Well, this also applies to the choices you want to make. For so long, I put my needs on the back burner to satisfy others and make other people feel comfortable. So I lost myself during that time, and something clicked for me. People who love and appreciate you will always want the best for you. I learned the hard way that you can't satisfy everyone if you're losing yourself in the process. Once I started living with mentality while being who I am, it gave me all the clarity I needed. 

Don'ts of Goal Mindset 

Think of this lil’ pupper when you’re on the fence about setting your goals. Also she’s one of my favorite visitors at work! 🙃

  1. Don't Rush The Process.

I can't stress this enough. The job, finances, relationships, and lifestyle you want can't happen overnight. So taking the time to learn and grow into who you want to become is essential. Rushing through it also means not appreciating those moments of clarity and growth. 

  1. Don't Let Social Media Fool You.

Most of the time, social media isn't real. Taking time to disconnect and recenter yourself with a lil' social media cleanse can give you the space to breathe. FOMO is experienced by 56% of social media users and 69% of millennials. Think about how much time you could use towards your wants and needs rather than wasting it on the world's what-ifs. Learning how to let go of FOMO will open doors to new opportunities.

  1. Don't Let Setbacks Stop You.

The worst thing you can do is let other people's opinions dictate your life. Before reading further, keep an open mind about what I'm going to suggest. Make rejection your friend. I learned that trick from my undergrad days, which altered my perspective on those moments. Rejections aren't meant to scare you into fear of making mistakes. Instead, it's acknowledging what you learned through the process, even if it does take some time.

What Now?

Give yourself some time, but also push yourself to start something even if it terrifies you. A little trick that I learned while venturing out into entrepreneurship is setting SMART Goals which stands for:

  • Specific (simple, sensible, significant).

  • Measurable (meaningful, motivating).

  • Achievable (agreed, attainable).

  • Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based).

  • Time-bound (time-based, time-limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive).

The ball is in your court now. Will you look back 6 months from now with a ‘what-if’ feeling or with an ‘I did that feeling’?



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