Attempting to Snap Out Of Writer's Block
I know I haven’t written anything in a while, but lately, I've been having a bit of writer's block. Usually, I have many ideas and topics I want to discuss, but so far, it's been challenging. My friend Robbie suggested I write about this topic since I was in a bit of a rut, creatively speaking. After he mentioned the idea, it got me thinking.
Everyone goes through this in any creative field, yet why haven't I heard about ways to snap out of writer's block or a creative rut in general?
It's one of the most common struggles, so it's funny that no one talks about this as much as we should. You mostly about achievements or good moments. I feel that social media can be a creative and fun tool in moderation when expressing gratitude about those aspects. However, it also can be a facade. The reality is that people, including myself, have hard days and struggles. It's a more private process than a public declaration in our society. For me, writer's block is a pain in the ass, but it's not impossible. Acknowledging how I feel about this has allowed me to break out of my shell and explore a little.
It's also given me time to rest more. I'm always on the go with my job, and I'm a curious individual overall. Luckily, I've been able to get down time to pamper myself and indulge in the LA vibe. Maybe it's because I'm in the wellness and beauty industry, but I've started to balance "me time" with other things in my life. It makes a difference whether it's 15 minutes or an hour to myself. Then, a few days ago, I got the best massage of my life at the Now. My stress levels tend to go toward my shoulders and neck, which honestly saved me from having a gigantic knot.
‘The Now’ Inspo
Definitely a must-go to release any stress and to rejuvenate :)
The splurge on my day off was worth it because treating yourself now and then is good. It released all the stress and tension physically but also emotionally. It felt freeing knowing that I had an opportunity for my mind to ponder and relax. Having a moment where you're not expected to do anything other than be present and listen is an opportunity. Whether it's stimulating yourself with your passions or taking in the day in solitude, it's your choice. Soaking in that state of mind is exactly what I needed.
Work has been a wild ride and pushed me out of my comfort zone more than expected. As a training manager, I've had to adapt, learn, and be more flexible in more ways than one. Since my location isn't open yet (fingers crossed it'll be soon), I've been traveling to different clinics weekly. So far, I've been to WeHo, SaMo, Del Amo, and Topanga. It's been helping me learn more about the LA area and be a chameleon in adapting. It's one of my favorite parts of being a traveling manager. A new scenery now and then can spark an idea bubble. As much as I love having routines, it's also vital to break out of the matrix of life every so often.
This is your sign to venture out!
Take a quick trip near or far. It can give you the headspace you need.
It's also a great way to gain a different perspective. We're all made on this earth to be different; otherwise, life would be boring if we were all the same. Living in LA on my own has been inspiring these past few months because I met my closest friends and mentors. I always get asked why I moved out here, and my answer is: why not? Life's too short to second guess yourself. If you want something to happen, you have to make it happen. It's better to know the outcome than to be wondering what if. So, what's next?
Hopefully, I’ll have more to write about next time, but for now, I’m accepting that I have writer’s block. I’ll keep y’all posted when inspiration strikes for my next post!