Top 3 Skin Tips To Swear By

It would be an understatement to say that I'm definitely in my element now more than ever. LA is one of the places that’s booming with growth and new opportunities if you want to be in the beauty and skincare industry. So you naturally start incorporating new habits and are always learning something new being in this field.

In my job, the clientele is a no size fits all. There are all different kinds of clients that come in ranging from different backgrounds, ages, and skin concerns they want to focus on. For anyone wanting to level up their skincare game, here are the top 3 secrets to know:

  1. Sunscreen is your best friend, especially applying it daily (every 2 hours if you can) and on your hands.

    1. Yeah, the hands part surprised me too, but it's equally as important. Driving in California versus Chicago is a totally different ballgame for skincare and crucial in sunny climates. I attached pictures of how sun damage affects your skin if you're skeptical.

  2. Store your skincare products in a cool and dark place:

    1. It preserves the ingredients better and makes the product work more efficiently. The longevity of products is essential to have the best results and make the most out of your skincare. If you're very into skincare like mua, I recommend investing in a beauty fridge. The benefits of beauty fridges long-term are worth every penny, and I got half of my friends hooked on beauty fridges. I also attached receipts of the specific perks it has on your skin.

  3. Hydration will save your skin collagen and skin elasticity.

    1. My skin results will boggle your mind before religiously drinking two liters of water and the poster benefits of drinking water are continuous. Before incorporating that habit in college, I had horrible acne on my forehead to the point where it looked like moon craters. I lived in the midwest so naturally, the food choices weren’t too flexible especially going to school in Ohio. It’s also where the drinking culture was more prominent and added to the breakouts. Initially, with my acne, I thought plastering on makeup would help, but sadly it was a recipe for clogged pores. It definitely wasn't a cute look, and it made me feel embarrassed for a while. In the past, I didn’t take pictures without makeup on so it was hard tracking one down. Here’s a glimpse of the results of my skin journey (please be gentle):

Before with no makeup and no filter

Also, nothing related, but I tried a temporary tattoo for a week in college and pulled a prank on my mom. She definitely thought it was real and I almost gave her a heart attack. Sorry, mom.

After with no filter or makeup on

By gradually implementing these habits, I finally feel confident and comfortable in my skin. Took some time, but definitely worth the wait.

This definitely was a journey, to say the least. I hope these snippets of tips help anyone who wants to grow to love their skin without the extreme gimmicks. Stay tuned for more skin tips because I’ll guarantee I’ll be learning more in the upcoming weeks!


One Month Mark in LA


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